Neocites and Personal WebsitesDigDeeper - Total computer schizo, definetly check it out
Eldritch Data - Dark Net Enjoyer and Freetard Extremist
Koshka's Kingdom - Kingdom just like this site, with an equally autistic webmaster
Luke Smith - Default RuneScape character
Piteusz - Polish blog of an old computer enthusiast with articles about computers and Linux, as well as a small old software repository. English Site here
Online Services
cock.li - yeah it's mail with cocks
I2P - Yet another Darknet Proxy
rutracker - Famous Russian Torrent Tracker site
Soulseek - P2P protocol simmlar to Napster and LimeWire, just infinetly superior and extremly active
Tor - The Onion Router Darknet Proxy
Alpine Linux - Small and Secure Linux Distribution that uses Busybox instead of typical GNU Core Utilities
Debian - 100% Free Software Linux Distribution used as a base for many famous distros like Ubuntu. Known for it's stability and simplicity
GNU Project - Project aimed at creating a 100% Libre Operating System, usually known as Linux, but correctly called GNU/Linux
Kernel Archive - Linux Kernel Archive
Linux Mint - Linux Distribution that just WERKS! Absolutely phenomenal for new users and long time users who want a simple operating system that does the job
This page is ALWAYS under construction!
This page was last updated on: 27th December 2023
(c) nico's kingdom 2023, everything licensed under Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License 2